These are the ancestors of Paul Tracy Chambers and Raylene Marie Lucas Chambers. Their continuing mission is to seek out previously unknown ancestral ties. To boldly go where others may once have trod!!
Index of first names : Smith
- Aileen Smith B. 1923
- Anne Katherine Smith B. 02 Apr 1939
- Bessie Smith B. 1885 D. 1957
- Billy Penn Smith B. 1944
Ancestor chart (14)
- Curtiss Smith
- Emaliah Smith
- Florence Smith B. 1872
- George Smith
- Glenda Smith
- Gregory Thomas Smith B. 1962
Ancestor chart (16)
- Hugh Duvall Smith D. 19 Oct 1933
- Hugh Garrard Smith B. 10 Aug 1945
- Identie Florence Smith B. 11 Jan 1873
- James Lawrence Smith
- James Minish Smith B. 1916
- Jane Walker Smith B. 07 Dec 1942
- Landon Cooper Smith
Ancestor chart (30)
- Mary Dennis Smith B. 19 Feb 1953
- Michael Smith
- Mittie Smith B. ABT 1840 D. ABT 1873
- Oscar Smith B. 1896
- Philip Smith
- Ray Smith
- Robert B. Smith
- Robert Walker Smith B. 18 Jan 1916
- Roy William Smith B. 1919
- Sally Landon Smith B. 21 May 1950
- Susan Fitzgerald Smith B. 02 May 1948
- Thomas M Smith
- Vernon Smith
- Wayne Scott Smith B. 1946
Ancestor chart (14)
- William Landon Smith B. 28 Feb 1920
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